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        引子 / INTRODUCTION
         VIEWPOINT                                        Sense Of Value:
                                         Good Governance Comes From Good Law
         ThE RulE Of laW
                                              价值观: 良法善治之源
         corporation’s reform and development should be carried out under the framework of the rule
         A of law. It is important to realize various reform results in accordance with institutionalization and   本刊评论员
         standardization, and to establish and improve the corporation institutional system in scientific and
         standardized way, which must be running effectively. The concept of rule of law is to be observed
         firmly as “doing work based on the law, consulting with law when anything comes up, solving
         problem based on the law, and resolving conflicts based on the law.” In light of our own reality, we
         should speed up improving the compliance system for the corporation operation management, doing   古人曰:立善法于天下,则天下治;立善法  的观念根深蒂固,对法律缺乏敬畏之心。要建
         business with external clients based on the law, and internal corporate governance according to law,   于一国,则一国治。的确,全面推进依法治国,  设一个法治社会,法律应当成为人们的一种信
         thus to lead the industry and to establish a sound market order.  须先有良法。  仰,应当升华为人们的一种精神、一种理念、一
                                  但现实中却存在这样的疑惑:良法即能善                  种价值取向、一种日常的思维和行为模式,正
                               治?为什么在法律制度不断健全的今天,依然                   如卢梭说过的那样,“一切法律中最重要的法
         fIGuRES               存在各种违法违规事件?甚者,出现“破窗效                   律,既不是刻在大理石上,也不是刻在铜表上,
         TOWER CRaNE DRIVER WalkING ON ThE ClOuD  应”,使法律制度流于“纸老虎”、“稻草人”,  而是铭刻在公民的内心里”。
                               其根源何在?                                     因此说,法治文化是法治社会的精神要
         ang Hua participated and witnessed glorious achievement of super high buildings of cscec   坊间流传这样一则故事,发人深省。十八世  素和文化土壤,只有不断强化和固化人们的法
         Wsuch as World Trade Tower i, ii and iii, CCTV building, Tianjin Tower and etc. He has been   纪,德国皇帝威廉一世曾在波茨坦建立了一座行  治价值、法治观念、法治思维,才能使守法、用
         working on the tower crane for more than twenty years. He loves the tower crane, the “heavenly   宫。一次,他住进了行宫,登高远眺波茨坦市的全  法、护法成为人们的自觉意识和行为习惯。
         road like” huge arm of the crane, and his work like floating in the clouds.  景,但他的视线却被一座磨坊挡住了。皇帝大为  依法治企的核心就是制度管理,企业管理
                               扫兴。这座磨坊“有碍观瞻”。他派人与磨坊主去                 的“法”,就是规章制度及相关政策规定,其目
         QIaN faNG: aRChITECTS ShOulD DRaW BaCk ThEIR  协商,打算买下这座磨坊,以便拆除。不想,磨坊  的是为了在经营管理活动中能够有章可循,有
         aTTENTION TO GENERaly aCCECPTED aRChITECTuRE  来的,不能败在我手里,无论多少钱都不卖!皇帝  就是要处理好情理法的关系,推进制度、机制、
                               大怒,派出卫队,强行将磨房拆了。倔犟的磨坊主                 文化的统一。明规矩,设定员工的行为底线;彰
         ian Fang has practiced his “in between” philosophy at his more than thirty years’ career with   向法院提起了诉讼。让人惊讶的是,法院居然判  善举,弘扬美德善举;崇创新,把“以人为本”、
         QChina southwest architectural design and research institute corp. Ltd. Diversified heterogeneous   皇帝败诉,并判决皇帝在原地按原貌重建这座  “缘法而治”的思想精神实现创造性发展。
         elements of the southwest helps him to sense, to play and to create. He thinks about and asks   磨坊,并赔偿磨坊主的经济损失。皇帝服从地  只有法律制度,不能“包打天下”,如果缺
         himself from time to time “what should not be done”, in order to find “the true self” of the architect   执行了法院的判决,重建了这座磨坊。  乏法治信仰,可能“为所欲为”。孟子曰“徒善不
         during the process.
                                  故事给予的启示是:我们如何看待法律?                  足以为政,徒法不足以自行”。推进依法治企,
                               有法可依、有法必依、执法必严,才能够赋予                   离不开法治文化在精神和价值观层面的培育和
         STORIES               “法律至高无上”的真实内涵。习近平同志指                   熏陶,法规制度只有被认同、被信仰,内化到思
                               出“如果有了法律而不实施,或者实施不力,                   想中、熔铸到头脑中,员工才会自觉自愿遵守法
         ChINESE MIRaClE IN ThE aRChITECTuRal PROjECT IN   那再多法律也是一纸空文,依法治国就会成为  规,把依法办事当成自己工作生活习惯。
         alGERIa               一句空话。”中国自古以来就是人情大国,人们                      没有文化的涵养,法治就缺少源头活水。
                               遇事,往往先是讲感情、找关系,其次讲道理,                  法安天下,德润人心。唯有让法治文化清风吹
         00 days, hard working day and night, three sub-projects of road base, bridge and road surface of   最后才是法律。权大于法、情重于法、利先于法  拂,才能真正实现良法善治。
         7tipaza road project had been completed, despite of heavy work load, relocating volume, frequent
         rainfalls, as well as tight schedule. This road of 48 km opened on time, which was very impressive to
         Algeria government and its people.
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